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    Section 1
      Java Concurrency and Multithreading - Introduction
      Java Threads - Creating, starting and stopping threads in Java
      Java Virtual Threads
      The Java Memory Model - The Basics
      Java Happens Before Guarantee - Java Memory Model - Part 2
      Java Synchronized - The synchronized keyword in Java and Java synchronized blocks and methods
      Java Volatile
      CPU Cache Coherence + Java Concurrency
      Java ThreadLocal
      Race Conditions in Java Multithreading
      Concurrency vs Parallelism
      Thread Pools in Java
      Java Lock
      Java ExecutorService - Part 1
      Java ExecutorService - Part 2
      Java ExecutorService Using Virtual Threads
      Deadlock in Java
      Deadlock Prevention in Java
      Java BlockingQueue
      Producer Consumer Pattern - With Java Example
      Compare and Swap in Java
      False Sharing in Java
      Single-threaded and Same-threaded designs
      Thread Congestion in Java
      Thread Signaling in Java

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