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    Section 1
      #1 Java Introduction
      #2 Java Development Kit (JDK) Setup
      #3 First Code in Java
      #4 How Java Works
      Java and Spring Live Course Update: Microservices, Git, Docker and Cloud
      #5 Variables in Java
      #6 Data types in Java
      #7 Literal in Java
      #8 Type Conversion in Java
      #9 Assignment Operators in Java
      #10 Relational Operators in Java
      #11 Logical Operators in Java
      #12 If else in Java
      #13 If Else If in Java
      #14 Ternary Operator in Java
      #15 Switch Statement in Java
      #16 Need For Loop in Java
      #17 While Loop in Java
      #18 Do While Loop in Java
      #19 For Loop in Java
      #20 Which Loop To Use in java
      #21 Class And Object Theory in Java
      #22 Class and Object Practical in Java
      #23 JDK JRE JVM in Java
      #24 Methods in Java
      #25 Method Overloading in Java
      #26 Stack And Heap in Java
      #27 Need of an Array in Java
      #28 Creation of Array in Java
      #29 Multi Dimensional Array in Java
      #30 jagged and 3D Array in Java
      #31 Drawbacks of Array in Java
      #32 Array of Objects in Java
      #33 Enhanced for Loop in Java
      #34 What is String in Java
      #35 Mutable vs Immutable String in Java
      #36 StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java
      #37 Static Variable in Java
      #38 Static Block in java
      #39 Static Method in Java
      #40 Encapsulation in Java
      #41 Getters and Setters in Java
      #42 This keyword in Java
      #43 Constructor in Java
      #44 Default vs Parameterized Constructor in Java
      #45 This and Super Method in Java
      #46 Naming Convention in Java
      #47 Anonymous Object in java
      #48 Need of Inheritance in Java
      #49 What is Inheritance in Java
      #50 Single and Multilevel inheritance in java
      #51 Multiple Inheritance in Java
      #52 Method Overriding in Java
      #53 Packages in Java
      #54 Access Modifiers in Java
      #55 Polymorphism in Java
      #56 Dynamic Method Dispatch in Java
      #57 Final keyword in java
      #58 Object Class equals toString hashcode in Java
      #59 Upcasting and Downcasting in Java
      #60 Wrapper Class in Java
      #61 Abstract Keyword in Java
      #62 Inner Class in Java
      #63 Anonymous Inner Class in Java
      #64 Abstract and Anonymous Inner Class
      #65 Need of Interface in Java
      #66 What is Interface in Java
      #67 More on Interfaces in Java
      #68 What is Enum in Java
      #69 Enum if and Switch in Java
      #70 Enum Class in Java
      #71 What is Annotation in Java
      #72 Functional Interface New in Java
      #73 Lambda Expression in Java
      #74 Lambda Expression with return
      #75 Types of Interface in Java
      #76 What is Exception in Java
      #77 Exception Handling Using try catch in Java
      #78 Try with Multiple Catch in Java
      #79 Exception Hierarchy in Java
      #80 Exception throw keyword in Java
      #81 Custom Exception in Java
      #82 Ducking Exception using throws in Java
      #83 User Input using BufferedReader and Scanner in Java
      #84 try with resources in Java
      #85 Threads in Java
      #86 Multiple Threads in Java
      #87 Thread Priority and Sleep in Java
      #88 Runnable vs Thread in Java
      #89 Race Condition in Java
      #90 Thread States in Java
      #91 Collection API in Java
      #92 ArrayList in Java
      #93 Set in Java
      #94 Map in Java
      #95 Comparator vs Comparable in Java
      #96 Need of Stream API in Java
      #97 forEach Method in Java
      #98 Stream API in Java
      #99 Map Filter Reduce Sorted in Java
      Big Update for Java Learners and Trainers | JDK 21
      Var in Java | New Java 10 Feature
      Sealed Classes in Java | Java 17 features
      Record Classes in Java | Java 17 features
      What's new in Java Switch | Switch Statement and Expression

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