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    Section 1
      #1 Design DB schema and generate SQL code with dbdiagram.io
      #2 Install & use Docker + Postgres + TablePlus to create DB schema
      #3 How to write & run database migration in Golang
      #4 Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL | Compare db/sql, gorm, sqlx & sqlc
      #5 Write Golang unit tests for database CRUD with random data
      #6 A clean way to implement database transaction in Golang
      #7 DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock in Golang
      #8 How to avoid deadlock in DB transaction? Queries order matters!
      #9 Understand isolation levels & read phenomena in MySQL & PostgreSQL via examples
      #10 Setup Github Actions for Golang + Postgres to run automated tests
      #11 Implement RESTful HTTP API in Go using Gin
      #12 Load config from file & environment variables in Golang with Viper
      #13 Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100% coverage
      #14 Implement transfer money API with a custom params validator
      #15 Add users table with unique & foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL
      #16 How to handle DB errors in Golang correctly
      #17 How to securely store passwords? Hash password in Go with Bcrypt!
      #18 How to write stronger unit tests with a custom gomock matcher
      #19 Why PASETO is better than JWT for token-based authentication?
      #20 How to create and verify JWT & PASETO token in Golang
      #21 Implement login user API that returns PASETO or JWT access token in Go
      #22 Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin
      #23 Build a minimal Golang Docker image with a multistage Dockerfile
      #24 How to use docker network to connect 2 stand-alone containers
      #25 How to write docker-compose file and control service start-up orders with wait-for.sh
      #26 How to create a free tier AWS account
      #27 Auto build & push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions
      #28 How to create a production DB on AWS RDS
      #29 Store & retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager
      #30 Kubernetes architecture & How to create an EKS cluster on AWS
      #31 How to use kubectl & k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS
      #32 How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS
      #33 Register a domain & set up A-record using Route53
      #34 How to use Ingress to route traffics to different services in Kubernetes
      #35 Automatic issue TLS certificates in Kubernetes with Let's Encrypt
      #36 Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github Action
      #37 How to manage user session with refresh token - Golang
      #38 Generate DB documentation page and schema SQL dump from DBML
      #39 Introduction to gRPC
      #40 Define gRPC API and generate Go code with protobuf
      #41 How to run a golang gRPC server and call its API
      #42 Implement gRPC API to create and login users in Go
      #43 Write code once, serve both gRPC & HTTP requests
      #44 How to extract info from gRPC metadata
      #45 Automatic generate & serve Swagger docs from Go server
      #46 Embed static frontend files inside Golang backend server's binary
      #47 Validate gRPC parameters and send human/machine friendly response
      #48 Run DB migrations directly inside Golang code
      #49 Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable parameters
      #50 Build gRPC update API with optional parameters
      #51 Add authorization to protect gRPC API
      #52 Write structured logs for gRPC APIs
      #53 How to write HTTP logger middleware in Go
      #54 Implement background worker in Go with Redis and asynq
      #55 Integrate async worker to Go web server
      #56 Send async tasks to Redis within a DB transaction
      #57 How to handle errors and print logs for Go Asynq workers
      #58 A bit of delay might be good for your async tasks
      #59 How to send emails in Go via Gmail
      #60 How to skip test in Go and config test flag in vscode
      #61 Email verification in Go: design DB and send email
      #62 Implement email verification API in Go
      #63 Unit test gRPC API with mock DB & Redis
      #64 How to test a gRPC API that requires authentication
      #65 Config sqlc version 2 for Go and Postgres
      #66 Switch DB driver from lib/pq to pgx

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